Sketching Inks & Watercolor (@ SVAC)
Sketching Inks & Watercolor (@ SVAC)
In this 5 session course, we will explore drawing & sketching with both inks and watercolor. Starting with traditional black inks, we will employ both permanent and soluble inks using pens and brushes. I'll also demonstrate several traditional brown inks and modern color inks.
When we work with inks, we will focus on techniques for line, texture, and even grey or black washes. We will then explore basic brush and wash watercolor techniques. To bring these together, we’ll develop design strategies balancing simplicity with visual richness. Lots of feedback, helpful handouts, and demostrations. Once registered, you’ll receive additional details and a suggested supply list.
Meeting at Crozet Arts, we will work on studio pieces inside and, weather permitting, we may also work at nearby venues to try our hand at combining ink and color for Plein Air sketching. This class is designed to be suitable for novice to advanced mixed media students who have some previous experience in drawing and/or painting.
Open to a max of 10 students. Expect mild social distancing; everyone will need to bring a mask for when we are inside.
STUDENTS: Adults & Mature mature teens, maximum of 8 fully vaccinated students.
DATES AND TIMES: 5 Sundays, October 27th – November 24th; 1:30 – 4:00 pm
INSTRUCTOR: John A. Hancock
LOCATION: Shenandoah Valley Art Center, Waynesboro VA, 22980
TUITION: $275 ($245 for seniors)