Art of Watercolor: Mornings (online, via Zoom)

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Above the Rockbridge Line (web).jpg
Untitled-12, Batchelor's Small.jpg
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H'burg, for F'burg Wkshp image #7 copy.jpeg

Art of Watercolor: Mornings (online, via Zoom)

from $145.00

These classes use a Zoom meeting format, which allows you real-time contact with the instructor and other students. Requires the ability to connect with the internet via computer (PC or Mac), iPad or tablet, or a smartphone equipped with camera and audio.

Start with the first session or choose the topics/4-week session(s) that you want to explore! You can also choose a whole series (Basic Skills, Intermediate Techniques, or Advanced Concepts & Strategies), or even the whole course!

Class Descriptions

Introductory, or returning Intermediate students seeking to refresh their skills, will discover and explore traditional and contemporary techniques for working with watercolor. In both classes you will get lots of demos (real time and recorded) as well a tons of handouts, and coaching/feedback. The Art of Watercolor course meets from 10:00-12:30 on Thursdays. Once you have completed your registration, I will send you a suggested supplies and materials list.

AoWC, Art of Watercolor), Basic Skills pt. 1 (September)

Simple Brushwork & Washes; Basic Design Ideas

In the first four-week class, basic materials and tools, brushwork, the creation of visual texture, handling of paint and water will be emphasized.

MEETS: on Thursdays at 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

BEGINS: 09/02/2021; ENDS: 09/23/2020

AoWC, Basic Skills pt. 2 (October)

Layered Washes & Intro to Color Mixing

For the four weeks of the second course, we will conduct an exploration of color mixing, as well as the basics of layering washes and using simple resist techniques. Design will be e major focus.

MEETS: on Thursdays at 10:00 pm to 12:30 pm

BEGINS: 09/30/2021 (We MAY have to skip Oct 7); ENDS: 10/28/2021

AoWC, Basic Skills pt. 3 (November)

Wet-Into-Wet & Gradation

Exploring color/value gradation and various ways to use watercolor in a “wet-into wet” manner will be a significant portion of this four-week course’s content. Design and planning will continue to be further developed as well.

MEETS: on Thursdays at 10:00 pm to 12:30 pm

BEGINS: 11/11/2021 (We will skip Nov 25); CLASS ENDS: 12/09/2020

AoWC, Intermediate Techniques pt. #1: (January)

Techniques for Creating Form, Volume, & Depth

In the first intermediate four-week class, we will concentrate on techniques for creating Form, Volume, and Depth.

CLASS MEETS: on Thursdays at 6:30 to 9:00 pm

CLASS BEGINS: 01/06/2022; ENDS: 01/27/2022

AoWC, Intermediate Techniques pt. #2 (February)

Expanding Our Expressive Use of Color

This four week session we will be working to expanding our knowledge of color (hue, hue, value, and intensity), color theory/harmonics, and the physical properties of our paints ( transparency/opacity, staining, lifting, granulation, etc.) to help us achieve more sophisticated use of color. We will be better able to create subtle and/or dynamic color effects!

MEETS: on Thursdays at 6:30 to 9:00 pm

BEGINS: 02/03/2022; ENDS: 02/24/202 (or 03/03/2022 if we have to skip a week)

AoWC, Intermediate Techniques pt. 3 (March)

Getting the Most Out of Studies & Photographs

For this third session of the course, our work with how to best make use photographs and preliminary sketches and/or studies for designing and painting better watercolors.

MEETS: on Thursdays at 6:30 to 9:00 pm

BEGINS: 03/10/2022; ENDS: 03/31/2022

AoWC, Intermediate Techniques pt. #4 (TBA)

Channeling Our Interior Old (or Modern) Master & Exploring Their Techniques!

The final intermediate four week session will focus on learning from the techniques and strategies of the masters of the art of watercolor. We will stretch our personal techniques by replicating a master’s techniques. Then we will adapt and transform those lessons for our own work.




per 4-week session: $169 ($145 for seniors)

all three 4-week sessions: $450 ($400 for seniors)

Once you have completed your registration, I will send you a suggested supplies and materials list.

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